Playwright | Filmmaker | Creative Living Coach
Latest Project:

THE EGG on New Play Exchange (NPX)

THE EGG drawn in Sharpie on an actual egg

THE EGG is a 90-minute play set in a fantastical and grotesque future where high tech meets low art.

LOGLINE: A new technology upends the lives of a man who sprouts feathers, a woman who lays eggs, and an artist who vomits art.

WHAT'S NEXT: Readings over Zoom and live in Austin, TX.

SEEKING: Actors, directors, theater owners, producers, deep-pocketed sponsors, lighting technicians, prop masters, sound designers, musicians, stage managers, janitors... anyone who wants to be involved. If you want to read the script,shoot me an email.


DEEP FREEZE: A 10-minute short comedy about dying miserable and alone. Produced with my classmates at Austin School of Film. The ending is the best part, so be sure to watch the whole thing! (Or scroll down for a spoiler.)

"YOU DONE HER WRONG": Music Video for a song that I wrote and recorded. My son Ivan Masterson is the featured badass actor.

DEEP FREEZE SPOILER: For the short-attention-spanned, here's the final scene of DEEP FREEZE.

Noah wearing a hat and hoodie in Mexico City

This is my portolio website. I'm also one half of Masteron Coaching, where I do some occasional writing.

My professional profile on LinkedIn is also available, if you're into that sort of thing.

I made this site using nothing but HTML and CSS, borrowing a template from W3 Schools. I found all of the other Web CMS and portolio site platforms way too heavy.